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Who We Are

Salty Taluch created by two sisters and their father. A family owned and operated business. 

Talucci curated commerce features handmade and original seasonings, hand and body salves and body salt scrubs. Salty Taluch launched due to a strong request from avid users across the USA.

We are based out of West Chester, PA. Recipes include real ingredients that you will recognize and can pronounce!

Body sea salt scrub & soak

Body sea salt scrub & soak

Salve Mare 

Salve Mare (sahl'veh mah'reh) developed from long winters and the need to invigorate and hydrate the skin. Anna Talucci created this body scrub with the two base ingredients being sea salt and extra virgin olive oil. The name is inspired from the Mediterranean Sea and the Ancient Roman Baths. This name Salve Mare translates from Italian to "Hello Sea".



Sale Pepe

The Sale Pepe (sah'leh peh'peh) recipes are all original creations by Sam Talucci with nearly four decades in the restaurant industry and a French Culinary Degree. His love for cooking started as a child as he experienced his mother Charlotte’s passion and love for food and cooking. Sam was always fascinated by recipes that called for salt (sale) and pepper (pepe) to taste, so he developed a salt mixture that addressed that and kicks every dish up a notch. 

Hand & body salve

Hand & body salve

Salve Terra

Salve Terra (sahl'veh tehr'rah) grew out of the need for a hand and body salve for working hands and dry skin. Created while Alexandra Talucci was working in Turin, Italy, this hand salve soon became a staple of everyday use for her. Simple and natural ingredients that hydrate and brighten your skin. Salve is also an Italian word for Hello, and Terra is Italian for Earth, with this play on words and language it translates to "Hello Earth".

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